We find ourselves at some crossroads throughout our whole life. Sometimes, they’re tiny, like choosing an outfit for the day or what movie to go to. But other times, they can shake our world fundamentally. The protagonists of this year’s film selection are at a crossroads without any clear signs of direction.

When a relationship is going to pieces, is it worth clinging to stability, or is it better to pursue an adventure and dive into uncertainty? How to help parents get their bearing at a crossroads when their child is fighting for acceptance because of their identity? Is it possible to stand up for a bullied student without the coming out costing us everything we’ve built in life? And where to find the courage and strength to jump into the unknown? We can meet at all these crossroads during the 24th Mezipatra.

But some decisions play a role even outside the big screen. Each of our acts is a choice which also influences the direction of the whole society. Do we want to preserve democratic principles, or follow in the way of repressive countries? Does it matter to us that everybody can marry their love ones? Will we speak up when we witness injustice, or will we remain silent? In times when activism is playing an increasingly major role, we must choose sides. Whether it’s about human rights, the environment, or any display of discrimination. Even when we might be exhausted, it’s crucial not to give up. We wish you a lot of strength to be able to choose the right direction – in choosing from this year’s program as well as at life crossroads.

FaLang translation system by Faboba