Filmmakers from all over the world traditionally participate in Mezipatra film festival. We can therefore look forward to interesting guests who will personally introduce their films and will be available for audience questions after the screenings or at the discussions featured in the accompanying program.

Choosing from 69 feature-length, documentary, and short films is definitely not a walk in the park. That's why the most qualified individuals, our programming coordinators Matúš Slamka and Josef Klimeš, are here to assist you.

We have revealed the PROGRAM of this year's Mezipatra! The theme of the 24th edition of the festival is Crossroads, referring to both everyday small decisions and major life intersections. This year, the audience can enjoy 24 feature films and 45 short films, screened on the big screen from November 2nd to 9th in Prague and from November 10th to 17th in Brno. The festival's grand opening will take place on November 2nd at 7:00 PM at Lucerna Cinema with the film Fireworks, based on true events.

Can't wait for this year's Mezipatra? Save some money and buy a festival pass in advance! You can see any seven screenings for the price of five tickets. You can buy the pass in Prague for CZK 750 until October 21 in cinemas LucernaSvětozorKino 35 a Edison FilmHub.

Discounted festival passes for the 24th edition of QFF Mezipatra are now on sale. Access to seven screenings for the price of five is available for 750 CZK. There is a limited number of passes, so don't hesitate to make your purchase. They can be bought only until October 21, 2023, at Prague cinemas Lucerna, Světozor, Kino 35, and Edison FilmHub.

If you want to get into the spirit of this year's festival before purchasing the passes, don't miss the premiere of the festival trailer, taking place on Saturday, October 14th, starting at 6:30 PM at Kino Petrohradská in Prague's Vršovice. Admission is free. The event will also include a presentation of this year's festival film and accompanying programs.

Mysteriózní thriller Pět ďáblů míří díky naší distribuční značce Queer Kino do českých kin. Magicko-realistický příběh se skvělou Adèle Exarchopoulos v hlavní roli byl uveden na festivalu v Cannes, získal hlavní cenu na loňských Mezipatrech a nadchnul festivalová publika po celém světě. Kam na film vyrazit? Koukněte na náš pravidelně aktualizovaný seznam projekcí a vyberte si tu ve svém oblíbeném kině! 

A captivating film balancing between sci-fi and horror with elements of magical realism

Winner of QFF Mezipatra, which enthralled audiences in cinemas worldwide. A magical realist story brilliantly balancing between romance, fantasy, and horror genres. A film in which the European film star Adèle Exarchopoulos delivers the best performance of her career. All of this is in the film "Five Devils" by French director Léa Mysius, which will hit Czech cinemas on October 12th.

Queer filmový festival Mezipatra uvádí program Identita ve městě, který proběhne v rámci Prague Pride od 6. do 11. srpna. Navštivte večerní promítání skvělých filmů a zúčastněte se zajímavých diskuzí v Kasárnách Karlín. Pozor, letos začínáme už v neděli!

Hořkosladký dokumentární film Boylesque o hledání lásky na sklonku života je inspirativním portrétem charismatického Andrzeje, který coby polská drag queen Lulla La Polaca baví publikum i ve svých 82 letech a snaží se udržet tempo s třicátníky, kterými se obklopuje.

Distribuční premiéra proběhne 7. června 2023od 19:00 v pražském kině Edison Filmhubza účasti režisérky Bogni Kowalczyk

On Thursday, March 2, from 6:00 p.m., the premiere of the Israeli dark comedy Concerned Citizen will take place in the Lucerna cinema. The director of the film Idan Haguel will be the guest of the premiere, and after the screening, the audience can look forward to a debate in which there will be room for questions from the audience. The opening film of the 23rd edition of Mezipatra festival, through the story of a financially stable gay couple who buys an apartment in an up-and-coming neighborhood of Tel Aviv, talks about the themes of gentrification, privilege and social responsibility in an original way. 

FaLang translation system by Faboba