On Thursday we started the 20th edition of Mezipatra Queer Film Festival that will continue until November 14. Then, it will move to Brno, where it finishes on November 22. Find out what you should not miss.

Milé návštěvnice a návštěvníci festivalu, rádi bychom vás informovali o (ne)přístupnosti našich festivalových míst. Ačkoliv podporujeme diverzitu genderu, orientace, vyznání, kultur a všech projevů identity, některá festivalová místa bohužel fyzicky nepřejí těm, kteří mají určitá tělesná omezení, a festival se tak pro ně stává nekomfortním.

Mezipatra is not just about films! This year's accompanying program will include a workshop on the benefits of porn in sex education, a discussion with the headliner of the biggest party of the festival DJ Killa on harassment in clubs, or a separate program on the film industry. And of course we wouldn't take your favorite parties from you!

At the 20th Mezipatra you will again meet many guests from abroad who will come to present their film, participate in discussions or play at our party. Who can you look forward to?

Head of the programmers team Sandra Hezinova revealed which films she is looking forward to (most of all) this year. We recommend you not to hesitate with buying the tickets. It is known that Sandra's tips have sold out many cinemas!

Intensity, care and empathy, mistakes, and the darkness we carry within – these are the topics of 39 short films from all over the world. They have successfully created their own film universes and preserved the diversity that is so important in today's world. They might be pitted against each other in our competition, but in reality, they are on the same team. This year, in addition to traditional thematic blocks, we will also present a block of animated films.

Mezipatra's documentary section will bring five films from Europe, Middle East and the USA. While the stories of the protagonists are primarily personal, they bring testimonies about important issues of today's world – about the roles of society and about the lives of individuals within them, about the problems of migration, influence of the media, and overcoming biological limitations of our bodies. However, the topic that resonates most there is a family as the basis for our further lives.

Our team of seven queer film experts have seen and evaluated hundreds of films throughout the year. Almost 70 of them made their way to Mezipatra this year. And our two programmers will now share with you which films are their favorite and what you shouldn't miss in the accompanying program! All films, trailers, screening times, accompanying events and other important information can be found in the Program section.

The 20th edition of the festival will follow the topic Winds of Change. We will present ten feature films in the main competition, five documentaries, 39 short competition films and five films in the special retro section called Reunion.  A novelty is the accompanying program for film professionals called Queering the Industry. What specifically can you look forward to? Go through the entire program or check out some of the most anticipated films and events bellow.

We invite you to the premiere of the new trailer of this year's Mezipatra, which will take place on October 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the community café Patra (Krymská 17, Prague 10). We will repeat it at regular 30-minute intervals, so those of you arriving late will not miss it either. During the evening we will also introduce some of the best films of this year's theme “Winds of Changes”. And if you don't have your festival pass yet, you will have the last opportunity to buy it here and visit seven festival screenings for the price of five (CZK 590).

FaLang translation system by Faboba