On Tuesday, November 18, Brno theatergoers had an extraordinary opportunity to see, within the associated program of the Mezipatra Festival, the dance and visual performance S/He Is Nancy Joe by the theater group Tantehorse.
After the Opening Ceremony under the direction of Ústaf-voiceband.cz , we'll get an insight into the difficult life of a teenager Leo.
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When Viktor Heumann and Damian Machaj first started working for Mezipatra, they were listed under different names in the festival catalogue. It was not because they were afraid that people might find out they work for the queer festival.
If you get a hypoglemic shock on Sunday or Tuesday and are looking for a way to quickly get some sugar in your system, just come to Lucerna. That's where we'll screen the story of super-sweet first love of Leo and Gabriel, The way he looks.
When there's so many visitors at the festival's opening ceremony that they almost can't fit in the movie theatre, it can mean a lot of things. Either the event's host is Marek Erben, stuff is handed away for free or an awesome festival is about to start-- believe it or not, in Mezipatra‘s case, all the three options are correct.
Each year, we make Mezipatra better than it was the year before. This is exceptionally difficult this year, because Mezipatra 2013 set the bar high – we lived La vie d'Adèle (Blue is the Warmest Color), we laughed watching Monty Python and greeted numerous extraordinary guests.
The position of Mezipatra PR manager has suffered the Hogwarts Teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts Syndrome for a few years now.