• Byly uděleny ceny poroty pro nejlepší snímky 22. ročníku queer filmového festivalu Mezipatra. Vítězným celovečerním snímek je Jumbo a krátkometřážním Syn Sodomy (Son of Sodom). Film Bod zlomu (La Fracture) získal zvláštní uznání poroty.
  • Na letošním festivalu s tématem Oslava života se představilo celkem 88 hraných, dokumentárních, celovečerních i krátkých snímků z celkem šesti světadílů.
  • Slavnostním ceremoniálem skončila pražská část festivalu. Nyní se přesouvá do Brna, kde 20. listopadu končí.
  • Apart from the main competition, Mezipatra Queer Film Festival will introduce films which don’t shy away from provocation, historical topics, and major human stories.
  • The program features five documentaries, three retrospective films, and Queer Blender, which offers a diverse selection of genres and styles.
  • The hits in non-competition production include Genderation, a documentary by the iconic queer filmmaker Monika Treut, Czech Television’s very first web series called TBH, and a block of Austrian experimental shorts, Inside the Kaleidoscope
  • Mezipatra Queer Film Festival will welcome guests from four continents who will introduce this year’s films and brighten the accompanying program.
  • Directors Timothy Hall (Landlocked) and Daniel Sánchez Lopéz (Boy Meets Boy) will introduce their films in the main feature film competitions, Yana Ugrekhelidze will present her documentary (Instructions for Survival), artist Aleksandr M. Vinogradov will come with Bare, and Dawid Ullgren with his short Land of the Free.
  • The accompanying program will welcome for example director Lisa Xi Xiang and DJ Luz
  • The 22nd edition of Mezipatra festival will bring not only films, but also a rich accompanying program, featuring discussions, workshops, and parties on the theme of Celebrate Life.
  • Twelve inspiring events in Prague will reflect the theme through the lenses of queer life in any age, including children, teens, and older generations.
  • For the third time, the festival will present Queering the Industry section, which offers meetings with film professionals.
  • Mezipatra Queer Festival brings ten feature and 38 short films.
  • This year’s competition tells big stories which offer authentic queer experience from six continents.
  • The films’ diversity of genres, environments, topics and characters reflects the theme of the festival’s 22nd edition, Celebrate Life
  • Mezipatra Queer Film Festival in Prage takes place from November 4 to 11, then it moves to Brno.

  • The theme of the 22nd edition is to Celebrate Life. Apart from feature, short and documentary films, the festival also offers the popular Industry section.

  • The main program attractions are Boy Meets Boy, The Divide (Le Fracture) which won a Queer Palm in Cannes, and Genderation documentary by the German director Monika Treut.

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